Ashland Color Splash Run

Welcome to the Ashland Color Splash Run organized by the AHS Make-a-Wish Club, the K-12 PTO, and the AHS Student Council!

Sign Up

$25/person for the Color Splash Run (about 2 miles)
$15/person for the Kids’ Color Splash Run (4 laps around the track)
$35/person to run both!
Pre-registration by April 13th will include a free race t-shirt.

Check-in / Registration:  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Check-in (and registration for those people who have not already registered online) will take place between 9am and 10am, in the small parking lot by the stadium (in the back of the school.) If you registered by April 13th, you will also pick up your free shirt at that point.  People who registered after April 13th can purchase a shirt for $8 while supplies last.  Otherwise, just wear a white t-shirt.

Attire:  You will get messy!  The color powder will wash off of clothes and shoes, but it would be best to wear old clothing that you might not care about as much.  We recommend you bring some towels for the drive home (so you don’t get color powder all over the seats).  It might also be worth bringing sunglasses/goggles (so the color powder won’t get in your eyes) and a bandana (to go over your nose and mouth while passing through the color stations.)
If the t-shirts are washed after the event, the color powder will come off.  To preserve your shirt, check out the directions online at:

Schedule:  The “Kids’ Color Splash Run” (up to 4 laps around a soccer field) will occur first (starting at 10am sharp) followed by the full “Color Splash Run” (a 2 mile course), starting around 10:20ish.

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